LATEST PROJECT – making a documentary.
The venture is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the PGE Foundation.
The documentary film "It doesn't end there... The story of the children from the camp on Przemysłowa Street” is the latest production of the Museum, directed by Mateusz Winkel, which premiered on December 7, 2022. It tells the story of the German child labor camp, which was located on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź's Bałuty district in 1942-1945. The film is a collection of interviews with Survivors combined with modern graphics and animation techniques. It also includes information provided by historians of the Museum of Polish Children – Victims of Totalitarianism, co-producer of the film.
Nauczono nas płakać bez łez…(We Were Taught to Cry without Tears…)– the Museum’s first pseudo-documentary
The featured documentary is based on the memories of the few Survivors of the Nazi German Concentration Camp for Polish Children in Przemysłowa Street. The film includes scenes of the children being arrested and transported in animal wagons to Przemysłowa Street. The story is intersected with testimonies from former prisoners of the camp, recounting the enormous suffering of the young.
Written, directed and produced by: Michał Floriańczyk
Cinematography: Karol Stadnik
Editing: Paweł Izdebski
Production Manager: Łukasz Jerzykowski
Psychological Aid: Maria Dolacińska
History Expert: dr Andrzej Janicki
Cooperation: prof. nadzw. dr hab. Paweł Siedlik
Costumes and set design: Maria Duda, Anna Szwec
Make-up: Klaudia Plesiak, Ankhbayar Ganbold
Actors: Jarosław Dziedzic, Barbara Komorowska-Werner, Matylda Paszczenko, Andrzej Kurzydlak, Julia Lipska, Bartosz Peterman, Klaudia Plesiak, Tomasz Rosik, Bartosz Sak, Karina Tryba, Sławomir Wasilczenko, Paulina Balcerzyk, Weronika Aleksandra Chrostek, Tomasz Dzwonokowski, Mirosław Gawot, Dorian Gawot, Marcin Gawot, Dominika Góreczna, Sebastian Góreczny, Laura Grabarczyk, Zuzanna Kaczmarek, Piotr Kopczyński, Karolina Smęt, Jolanta Sowińska-Gogacz, Agnieszka Stępień, Adam Stępień, Bogdan Sulko, Łukasz Tomczak, Jan Werner, Paweł Walisiak, Krzysztof Żak, Przemysław Żak. Children: Antoni Adamowicz, Franciszek Adamowicz, Piotr Adamowicz, Stanisław Bajer, Karolina Bergman, Kacper Binasiak, Jakub Gogacz, Maria Góreczna, Jan Góreczny, Cyprian Holajda, Maria Kępka, Dawid Kijas, Laura Kijas, Zuzanna Lis, Anna Ławniczak, Mateusz Ławniczak, Milena Maciejewska, Zofia Otocka-Herodecka, Maria Pastwa, Antoni Pastwa, Samuel Piotrowski, Amelia Plesowicz, Adam Pleskowicz, Milan Rodak, Sara Smęt, Nikola Stańdo, Apolonia Stępień, Beniamin Stępień, Klara Stępień, Maria Stępień, Zofia Stępień, Antoni Ziółkowski-Walisiak
The material was created in the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum in Lipce Reymontowskie, in the Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź and in the Book Art Museum in Łódź.
This task is subsidised by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage funds.